S010 Table Lamp


The Table Lamp model is created using Part Workbench using primitive objects like Cylinder, Cube, Cone and Sphere. Other operations used in this model creation are Fillet, Union, Cut.

Part Construction Method
Create a Cylinder
  • Radius = 40, Height = 20 mm.
  • Apply Fillet on the upper edge, Radius = 10 mm.

Create a Cube
  • Length = 20, Width = 30 & Height = 50 mm.
  • Position the Cube to the center of z-axis by setting X = -10, Y = -15 & Z = 20 mm.
  • Apply Fillet on the upper 2 edges, Radius = 10 mm.
  • Apply Fillet on both the side edges, Radius = 5 mm.

Create a Cylinder
  • Radius = 5, Height = 25 mm. 
  • Rotate on Y-axis, by 90°
  • Re-position by setting X = -12, Y = 0 & Z = 50 mm. 
  • Select the 2 objects and apply Cut to remove the cylinder volume from the shape.
  • Apply Fillet on both the side edges of the cut hole, Radius = 1 mm.
Create a Cylinder
  • Radius = 5, Height = 40 mm.
  • Rotate on Y-axis, by 90°
  • Re-position by setting X = -20, Y = 0 & Z = 50 mm.
Create a Cube
  • Length = 5, Width = 200 & Height = 15 mm.
  • Position the Cube to one side of the bottom spindle by
  • Rotate on X-axis, by 30°
  • Position X = 11, Y = -6 & Z = 38 mm.
  • Apply Fillet on all 4 small edges, Radius = 5 mm.
  • Apply Fillet on both the front and back flat faces, Radius = 2 mm.
  • Duplicate the bottom spindle (Cylinder)
  • Select the 2 objects and apply Cut to remove the cylinder volume from the shape.
  • Duplicate the bottom spindle (Cylinder)
  • Position X = -20, Y = 155 & Z = 139.6 mm
  • Select the 2 objects and apply Cut to remove the cylinder volume from the shape.

Duplicate the bar
  • Change the position of the Cube
  • Re-position by setting X = -27, Y = 0, Z = 0 mm.
Duplicate the bottom spindle
  • Change the position of the Cylinder
  • Re-position by setting X = -20, Y = 155, Z = 139.6 mm.
Duplicate the bottom arm in the front
  • Rotate the copied shape on X-axis, by 120°
  • Re-position by setting X = -6, Y = 198.5, Z = 164.6 mm.
Duplicate the bottom arm in the rear
  • Rotate the copied shape on X-axis, by 120°
  • Re-position by setting X = 6, Y = 198.5, Z = 164.6 mm.
Duplicate the bottom spindle
  • Change the position of the Cylinder
  • Re-position by setting X = -12, Y = 0, Z = 229 mm.
Create a Cube for Lamp Holder pivot
  • Length = 8, Width = 20, Height = 30 mm
  • Re-position by setting X = -4, Y = -1.5, Z = 217.2 mm.
Create a Cylinder
  • Radius = 30, Height = 10 mm
  • Rotate the cylinder on X-axis, by -45°
  • Re-position of the Cylinder by setting X = 0, Y = -36.2, Z = 257 mm.
Duplicate the Cylinder
  • Change the Radius = 28, Height = 10 mm
Remove the intersection of both Cylinders
  • Select the outer Cylinder and then Ctrl+Click on the inner Cylinder
  • Select CUT operation to remove the center area
Create a Cube to Cut the top portion of the Ring
  • Length = 80, Width = 20, Height = 30 mm
  • Rotate the cube on X-axis, by 45°
  • Re-position of the cube by setting X = -40, Y = -40, Z = 260 mm.
Remove the intersection of Cube and the Ring
  • Select the Ring and then Ctrl+Click on the Cube
  • Select CUT operation to remove the top portion of the ring
Round the top edge of the ring
  • Select each corner of the cut section on the ring and apply fillet with radius 3 mm
  • Repeat the same on all 4 corners
Create a Cone (Lamp Shade)
  • Radius1 = 40, Radius2 = 20, Height = 80 mm
  • Rotate the cone on X-axis, by -45°
  • Re-position of the cone by setting X = 0, Y = -73.7, Z = 219.6 mm.
Duplicate the Cone & Cut the intersection
  • Change Radius1 = 38, Radius2 = 18, Height = 78 mm
  • Select outer cone and Ctrl + Click on the inner cone.
  • Apply CUT operation to remove the inner are of the cone.
Create a Sphere (Bulb)
  • Radius = 25 mm
  • Re-position the Sphere by setting X = 0, Y = -65, Z = 230 mm.
Create a Cylider (Lamp Shade Pivot)
  • Radius = 1, Height = 10 mm
  • Rotate the Cylinder on Y-axis, by 90°
  • Re-position the Cylinder by setting X = 22, Y = -32, Z = 260 mm.
  • Duplicate the Cylinder for the other side
  • Re-position the Cylinder by setting X = -32, Y = -32, Z = 260 mm.